Share attractive proposals

Share your proposals via a travel app

The Lato travel app allows you to share proposals via a simple link. The recipient doesn’t need to download an app nor create a profile. With a simple click on the link, they can access a visually attractive travel app on all devices (smartphone, PC/desktop, tablet).


Sell to travel professionals

Use the travel app as a B2B sales tool

Use the travel app to sell to your partner travel professionals. Send them a professional link and allow them to adapt the proposal once you decide on a collaboration.


Digital travel guide

Present digital travel guides to your customers.

The Lato travel app is like a personalized travel guide equipped with a detailed itinerary, additional information about accommodation, transfers, POI's, tips & tricks and documents (such as vouchers, insurances,...). If the client still wants a printed version of the itinerary, Lato provides an attractive travel proposal in pdf format.


Sell to travelers

Sell 24/7

You can sell more efficiently, as customers can access and share their travel app 24/7 during the entire customer journey. Every change that is made is immediately updated and accessible.


Confirm proposals

Easily confirm proposals

Since the travel app also functions as a proposal tool, there’s a button available for customers to confirm their trip with just one click. For group trips, there’s even a possibility for multiple travelers to confirm. As a travel professional you automatically get notified by email.


Last-minute changes

Make last-minute changes 24/7

Any change can be forwarded to the customer 24/7 via the travel app. Even itinerary changes and new vouchers or documents can be added during the trip.


Share your travels

Family and friends at home can follow along

Since Lato is a webapp that is fully accessible through a simple link, your customer can share their travel program with the entire travel group, as well as with friends and/or family wanting to follow along by forwarding the link.


Stay in contact

Provide assistance 24/7

Thanks to the chat functionality, anyone with a Lato profile and access to your company can chat with your customers to answer questions, inform them about last-minute changes, … or simply wish them happy travels!


Customer loyalty

Expect enthusiastic customers

Customers that travel with our innovative app are sold forever. Good things are going to happen …


Terms & conditions

Add your travel conditions

Make sure you are always legally compliant by adding your travel terms and conditions. Travelers will have to accept the terms & conditions before they can book travel.


No hassle with travel documents.

Enhance the travel experience

  • Higher conversion rates
  • Relax your customer - Stay in touch 24/7, communicate last-minute changes and consult all important documents anytime and anywhere in the digital travel app.
  • Appealing design

Try Lato for free

Get free access to the Lato travel management software. If you prefer to get some explanation first, contact us by email.

14 days free access, no CC required